If you are paying your bills on time that is great, but you may have too many of them. Continuing to open new accounts will drive your score down, making it nearly impossible for you to balance out your debt to income ratio. You also need to keep in mind that the more of your credit you use, the more your payments will go up with your revolving accounts. With a mortgage and a car loan things work a little differently, as they are a fixed interest loan. A fixed interest loan means that you will have the same rate and same payments for the life of your loan. Revolving debt pertains to credit cards, or lines of credit on the home. The rates adjust with the prime rate and any additional add-ons the bank has, thus driving up your payment. Once you exceed 40% of your available credit on any account, this will give you a low credit score. It shows the lender or bank that you are not able to manage your credit or that you are planning to use more credit, so beware.
Paying your bills on time is great, but remember cash is king! Don't borrow anymore than you need to no matter what the case may be. Always try to go the way of paying cash, for the exception of your home mortgage. Pay cash for cars if you can't, but if you can't this is a new trade line or account that you can use to help build your credit up. Building your credit up and sticking to your guns on cash will keep you away from a low credit score. For more information on credit, and how you can improve your situation, please go to www.fhaloansnow.net.
-Mayer Dallal
Monday, June 28, 2010
What Causes a Low Credit Score?
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