Rates haven’t been this low in years, and with rates on the increase you need to make a decision. Being able to make good decisions is crucial to life in general, especially when it concerns your family’s finances. Finances affect many other areas of your life, and when your finances are in order it seems that most other things go smoother. The 30 year fixed rate was at a slight increase, up to 4.38%; so, if you have a current interest rate or 6% you are still going to have significant savings.
If you could save $150 a month would you? I know I could find another use for that extra $150 a month, whether that meant it goes into a savings account, or it goes toward paying another bill down faster. Whatever the case may be, you can get debt free quicker, but you have to make good choices now. The longer you wait, your chance will pass you by, and when rates go back to the days of 13% you will be wishing that you had decided otherwise in the past.
The best analogy that I can think of for wasting money is opening up your window and throwing that $150 through the window. The money just floats and lands wherever it decides to go. This is how many people live, and even though times have been tough it is still this way for many. Don’t let another day go by that you live like this, and make a decision now before it’s too late.
Call me today at 310-498-2700.
-Mayer Dallal
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