Friday, May 28, 2010

FHA Loan Limits

Someone asked me the other day what the limits were on FHA lending. FHA loan limits are actually specific to every state, and they are broken down by property. In addition, you can certainly seek out what that looks like in your county as well.

FHA loan limits in California, in Los Angeles County, are $729,750 for your primary residence. The FHA loan limits for a two family are $934,200. You get the idea; the higher the level of units the higher the loan amount, but its capped. The reason for the cap is because FHA isn’t the lender, but they do insure the loan for the lender if the borrower defaults. As you can see, that is a risk so naturally this is why they set forth their lending limits.

FHA loan limits are different in Riverside County; so be sure that you are looking for the county you want to live in. Riverside county limits are $500,000 for a one family, and $640,100 for a two family. So, the same thing here; with a larger building you have a larger loan limit. Not every county is the same, so make sure that you are looking at the correct information.

For more information on FHA loan limits, you can visit,

-Mayer Dallal

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