Friday, May 28, 2010


Sometimes I wonder how we got into this mess we are in as a country. I guess in some ways I understand it, and then sometimes I don’t. We are all guilty.

I think back to a few years ago, rather 2006 when this all happened. Why? Could it have been prevented? Yes, it could have been prevented, but we just tried to turn a blind eye to it. We think everything is okay, but it isn’t. We spend, and we don’t consider what could happen. We buy without really thinking about it. Worst of all, when we outspent ourselves, we decided to just keep on spending. A lot of us think that way.

Eating at home with our family is no longer an option; we are always just running around doing whatever we want. Why are we like this? We just have to have what we want, when we want it. There is no more anticipation, no more surprise, it’s just all for the moment.

Don’t think for a second that I have a day of complete rest in my mind. I have people come to me every day that don’t get approved. I also have people come to me that I can get approved, but it is never that simple. My mom always told me that, “If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably isn’t true.”

Today, I just want you to think about what happens; “sometimes”.

-Mayer Dallal

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